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Automatic Switch Company

Automatic Switch Company (ASCO) was founded in 1888. In 1910 the Company was the first to manufacture solenoid valve. Since 1985 ASCO being part of ASCO Numatics is a part of Emerson Eleclric concern.

As one of the leading manufacturers of air, gas, water, oil and water steam flow control equipment ASCO NUMATICS Company has supreme reputation in the fields of quality, reliability and technical level of output.

Company main office is situated in the USA, New Jersey. In Europe solenoid valves and air pilot valves are manufactured at the Company plants in Netherlands, France and Great Britain.

The Company output is supplied to the enterprises of the following branches of industry: nuclear power engineering, oil and petrochemical branches, medical and analytical devices production, pharmaceutical industry, pulp and paper industry, auto, packing, food and beverage production.

Equipment manufactured by the Company:

ASCO Redhat brand solenoid valves. The Company suggests the biggest choice in the world, namely: 2 -, 3 - и 4-way solenoid valves intended for flow control.
RedHat Next Generation brand next generation solenoid valves. New revolutionary power supply control technology establishes new branch standards of reliability and energy consumption.

Series of miniature valves is used for precise and reliable control of liquids and gases in medical equipment, analytical devices and in industrial application.

ASCO provides wide choice of electromagnetic and motorized shutoff valves, intended to control fuel gases, liquid propane and all classes of fuel flow, used in the combustion process in industrial stoves, burning installations, burners and boilers.

The Company suggests a wide range of products to control pressurized air including filters, regulators, emergency gates / Soft-Start valves and etc.